Segevångsskolan is shaking! The entire school is rehearsing for a drum concert to be held at Folkets parks big stage in Malmö. The project, titled “Vi slår på trummor” (We bang on drums), has had a wonderful side effect: All the students’ grades have gone up! “A great calm came over the school when we began drumming,” says project leader Anna-Carin Fogelqvist from Musik i Syd. “The grades have improved and the students have an easier time focusing.

Ahmed Kendakji, 14, already plays drums and guitar is his spare time. But since he and his class began playing the drums once a week, he notices he feels better and has been more successful in school. “I feel more alert, and I study better. I have more energy to study, and get better results,” he says. Lena Abdulrahman, 15, looks forward to the concert at Folkets park. “I’m a bit nervous,” she says, “but it’s going to be fun. It’s nice to play, you get anger and energy out when you drum.”